Monday 7 March 2011

One from me.

So this fortnights challenge has been to document how an object isn't just that object, but means something different to you.

I used Elise's Pieces Design - read all over kit - available at the digi chick here.

To show my daughter "curled up with a good book"
I love that she has discovered reading. A few years later than I was, or her brothers but eventually she is at that place that she can totally lose herself, unaware of the world around her as she is engrossed and into that work of fiction. The path she has taken has been similar to mine - Enid Blyton's famous five, but then she went on to read the secret seven which I couldn't stand. Now she has discovered Nancy Drew and she can't get enough adventure. 

To paraphrase from the latest book I read (Watch over me by Christa Parrish) " Now I read to fill my head with other things, the words and plot shoving out the past, for that moment at least. I couldn't think and read at the same time."

As a child I read to escape, to visit happier places and to travel to distant lands.

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